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Jonathan Stokes

Research Affiliate Assistant Professor of Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences, McMaster University

Jon Stokes is an assistant professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University and a research affiliate at the MIT Jameel Clinic. He received his PhD in antimicrobial chemical biology in 2016 from McMaster. From 2017–2021 he was a Banting postdoctoral fellow at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Upon completing his postdoc, Jon established his laboratory back at McMaster in the Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences, in the summer of 2021. The Stokes lab leverages a mindful balance of experimental and computational approaches to discover and design antibacterial molecules with structural and functional novelty. One of our primary interests, quite broadly, is in the development and application of leading-edge artificial intelligence algorithms to predict and design new molecules with potent antibacterial activity and high translational potential.

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