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Sixian You

Principal Investigator

Sixian You is the Alfred Henry and Jean Morrison Hayes Career Development Assistant Professor in the MIT EECS department, and a Principal Investigator in the MIT Jameel Clinic and MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics. Sixian did her Ph.D. at UIUC (2019), obtained B.S. from HUST optics (2013), and completed her postdoc at UC Berkeley (2021). Her research interests are in biophotonics, microscopy, and computational imaging, with an emphasis on developing hardware and algorithms to overcome longstanding imaging limitations. She has been the recipient of a SCIALOG (Advancing Bioimaging) Award, Amazon Research Award, Microscopy Innovation Award, McGinnis Medical Innovation Graduate Inaugural Fellowship, Computational Science and Engineering Fellowship (UIUC), and Nikon Photomicrography Competition Image of Distinction award. Her work has been featured on the Cancer Research Cover, PNAS Cover, and Nature Communications Editors’ Highlight.

Research Group Website

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