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Why Casey Left Substack, Elon Musk and Drugs, and an A.I. Antibiotic Discovery

Casey is taking his newsletter Platformer off Substack, as criticism over the company’s handling of pro-Nazi content grows. Then, The Wall Street Journal spoke with witnesses who said that Elon Musk had used LSD, cocaine, ecstasy and psychedelic mushrooms, worrying some directors and board members of his companies. And finally, how researchers found a new class of antibiotics with the help of an artificial intelligence algorithm used to win the board game Go.

Today’s guests:

Kirsten Grind, enterprise reporter for The Wall Street Journal

Felix Wong, postdoctoral fellow at M.I.T. and co-founder of Integrated Biosciences

Additional Reading:

Why Platformer is leaving Substack.

Elon Musk has reportedly used illegal drugs, worrying leaders at Tesla and SpaceX.

Researchers have discovered a new class of antibiotics using A.I. Learn more
The San Francisco Experience podcast cover image

AI and Cardiovascular Medicine. In conversation with Professor, Dr. Collin Stultz

How AI is changing the manner in which cardiovascular illness is diagnosed. And the future is unfolding before us with new predictive analytics, remote monitoring and precision medicine. Dr. Stultz is both a Ph.D. in Computer Science as well as a Cardiologist and brings both fields of practice together in a unique fashion. Learn more
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